Generative AI & education

Revolutionising Education: A Journey with Chat GPT and Generative AI


The landscape of education has changed dramatically in recent years. With the emergence of generative AI and various digital technologies, the way we teach and engage with students is evolving rapidly. Not only will this likely impact approaches to learning and teaching, but also things on a larger scale, such as examinations, as well as things on a smaller scale, such as day-to-day teaching practices. This post explores how tools like Chat GPT are transforming the learning space and enhancing students’ experiences in diverse and innovative ways.

The New Digital Learning Space

The concept of the learning space has evolved, especially after the pandemic. It’s no longer merely a physical location where students and teachers gather but now includes a digital dimension. Technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and extended reality are fostering more engaging experiences, allowing students from different countries and backgrounds to become part of a global learning community.

Generative AI and Personalised Learning

Generative AI, particularly Chat GPT, has become a powerful tool for teachers, enabling personalised learning experiences. For classes with many students, creating a custom experience for each individual was once unthinkable. Chat GPT and other generative AI technologies have changed this, allowing for human-like conversation and content creation, from slides to assessments.

Three Main Points on Chat GPT

  1. Flipping Critical Thinking: There’s a concern that students using AI might miss developing critical thinking skills. But by flipping the teaching model and forcing students to ask the right questions to access information, this problem can be addressed. It is also worth noting that if you have ever tried providing prompts to Chat GPT on a topic with which you’re unfamiliar vs one with which you are familiar, you might notice some differences. Teaching students how to prompt an AI helps them develop critical thinking skills and prepares them for future challenges, but does not take away from their need to understand the class material.
  2. Supporting Educators: Chat GPT can aid in automatically assigning grades, analysing students’ needs, and delivering personalised assessments. These tools make teaching more accessible and expedite administrative tasks.
  3. Language and Interaction Enhancements: With plugins like “Speak” for GPT and features like Duolingo, Chat GPT can interact with students in their native language. This not only boosts understanding but also success rates.

Limitations and Concerns

Chat GPT does have limitations, and there are concerns about whether we’re truly personalising student experiences or standardising them. There’s also the question of balancing community experiences versus tailored individual experiences. However, these challenges are being overcome with innovative approaches and the continuous evolution of technology.


While the introduction of generative AI into the teaching environment raises valid concerns, banning this technology is deemed a mistake. No machine can replace the creativity and human touch of a teacher, but tools like Chat GPT can augment and enhance the capabilities of educators. The success of these technologies in creating more engaging and personalised learning experiences highlights their potential and the promising future of education in the digital age.

From a personal point of view, it feels like teaching institutions need not fear AI, and may even benefit from embracing it, but regulation and moderation is, as always, key. Best practices ought to be established and careful considerations need to be taking on potential biases in available pedagogic material that AI may rely on. For instance, educators are being informed as to how best decolonize the curriculum. Such an initiative is of course important and thus must also be upheld when incorporating AI into our teaching practices.

This post summarises a lecture by Luigi La Spada on New digital learning spaces: The role of AI for Personalized Learning in Higher Education, hosted by Digitally Enhanced Education Webinars at the University of Kent. The lecture is available on YouTube.

#Education, #GenerativeAI, #ChatGPT, #PersonalisedLearning, #VirtualReality, #AugmentedReality, #CriticalThinking, #TechnologyInEducation

Amir-Homayoun Javadi

Amir-Homayoun Javadi

Founder and CEO at 0&1 LTD